Posted by: Adam Deane | 31/10/2010

BPM Quotes of the week

On BPM and Taylorism – Neil Ward-Dutton

The point is, a fool with a tool is still a tool. BPM is a tool. A stupid know-nothing who is hell-bent on slavishly applying Taylorism in a customer service environment can cock things up royally using BPM practice, but that’s not BPM’s fault.

On BPM and Competitive Advantage – Ian Gotts

Product ideas are competitive advantage, production techniques are competitive advantage, business models are competitive advantage. But process. Surely not something as mundane and boring as process.

On BPM and Customer Experiences – Priyadharshini Vijayan

BPM has proven its worth for the role it can play in transforming customer experiences for organizations. On one hand it enables process streamlining. It optimizes processes, reduces turn-around time and shortens the waiting-period that customers have to go through. And Bingo! A quicker and efficient service leads to increased customer satisfaction.

On BPM Governance – Vinaykumar Mummigatti

The topic of BPM governance is becoming every BPM program managers’ key need. Mostly, BPM governance is being discussed in various forums but seldom have we seen a tangible action plan or investments in BPM governance. Many clients are expressing their pains without being able to articulate the relevance to governance.

On Process and Consultants – Karl Walter Keirstead

Think about this when you generate process maps for your clients – most management consultants figure their job is complete once they provide the client with a paper map and a study report. With today’s technology consultants really are only at the 50% mark once a paper process map becomes available

On Process and BI – Scott Cleveland

It is not good enough just to manage your processes, the next step is to gather business intelligence. If you have a system in place to measure/monitor your processes, you will be able to see what is happening within your process. You can see bottlenecks. You can see if you need to increase or decrease capacity. You will have some valuable information that you can use to make key business decisions.

On BPM and ACM – Mark Tamis

ACM makes a distinction between routine and expert processes. Routine processes are prime candidates for modeling whereas expert processes are emergent and the domain of Knowledge Workers – they give the organisation the flexibility to adapt and respond to changes around it. ACM also aims to bring understanding, visibility and control to unpredictable knowledge work and serves to make routine work processes more reliable. It doesn’t set out replace BPM or workflow, but adds to the tools that the organisation can leverage to be sustainable and resilient to changing expectations and conditions

On BPM and Modernization – Setrag Khoshafian

Modernization and transformation is difficult. BPM is the best bet to incrementally modernize and transform iteratively, while responding to continuous. But BPM is not a panacea. Even with a BPM approach, the governance and continuous monitoring of results is essential to guarantee success

On Social BPM – Mike Gammage

‘Social BPM’ seems to have achieved a lift off. In the mainstream, it’s moving from concept into product. Which is fine and necessary – but it’s important to recognize that ‘Social BPM’ is not in itself sufficient to enable sustainable business transformation.

On Process Maturity – Max J. Pucher

For me process maturity is achieved when the users can immediately execute any process they need to achieve a customer outcome without needing weeks to months of support and implementation. A person is mature when it does it’s own thing and not when it is told what to do continuously. Once you can get rid of the BPM bureaucracy then your processes might really mature.

On BPM and Workflow – Phil Ayres

Business process management, both methodology and technology decided along the way that it needed a bigger piece of the pie. If you just transfer work from one place to another, surely that’s not very exciting. Every professional needs more than that. Let’s make sure we can measure the process in a way that was never needed before, analyzing it to a level of detail that could be considered obsessive. Let’s model a new improved process and simulate its inside workings so there are no surprises. Let’s step it up another notch and implement the new process with tools that could run real-time stock trading.

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